Monday, May 11, 2009


Dictionary definition of Self-Esteem:
- a realistic respect for or favorable impression of oneself; self-respect.

Many times in life we perceive and define ourselves how others see us. We forget that God made us each in a special way with our own talents, gifts, skills, etc. The way we carry ourselves and how much confidence/self-esteem we have definitely can set a certain impression of us to a certain person. This not only happens with people we meet for the first time, but also with our friends. How we carry ourselves around anyone, automatically gives them a impression of us which is the same as them judging us. They judge us by the way we act and assume things about us that may or not be true. But we fall into that category of their judgement and they always think of us as that certain person. Eventually if you keep depending on your self-esteem by what others think of you, you lose your individuality and mainly yourself. You don't know who you are, and you need other people to tell you. It's sad how big of an impact other people's thoughts have on us, when God is the one that created us and we should always remember we are perfect in His eyes. God is the only person that should actually be uplifting our self-esteem. We are PERFECT to him, he created us exactly how he wanted to so shouldn't that help us to have a better sense of self-esteem/confidence in ourselves? People tend to forget about that because they are so consumed by the world and what's accepted in it. It's hard to see friends that you know are so awesome inside, throw themselves out of the game because they don't have God in their lives telling them how beautiful, good, and worthy they actually are. Who gave us the right to bring someone else down in order to make ourselves look better, but still it happens all the time in life. I am happy to say that i do have confidence in myself and i know who i am as a person so i don't let others opinions affect me as how i view myself. There might be a little chance of time where that may happen, but i automatically remind myself of how God perceives me and i get that thought out of my mind. But i do know of many people that have too low confidence/self-esteem to even start anything as in a relationship. They feel that they aren't good enough because PEOPLE don't praise him/her for their good looks, nice personality, charm, etc. It kills me inside because i know that guy/girl is going to be such a good boyfriend/girlfriend if they actually went for it, but they always take themselves out before they get the chance to. If anyone hasn't caught on by now, the reasons why my blogs are so "deep" and whatnot, is because i want to share my experiences/thoughts on a certain subject or thing that i feel may be of help to someone that may be going through it. These past few days i've just noticed throughout people and their self-esteem. My heart goes out to them because while talking to them, i can see how depressed and sad it makes them. So i felt that i should blog about it, hopefully helping them and others that may be having trouble with their confidence/self-esteem. Shouldn't we as christians not bring our brothers and sisters down but uplift them? The issue of self-esteem is something many if not all people go through in some aspect of their life. After my birth mother left me and my family, i felt that i really wasn't worth anything. I felt i needed to prove myself in everything i did so i can prove to myself that i am actually worth something in life. So getting the approval of my father was a big aspect in my life in the past. But i never could reach his expectations and it took me a while to realize that it as long as i try my hardest God is proud of me and that's all i need. Whenever i feel like i'm not good enough for my dad's expectations, i always turn to God now because i know that as long as i'm doing my best, He is proud of me. As long as i'm doing the BEST i can, and being ALL i can be for God, He will be so proud of me. I think that is a big boost of confidence to know that God created you and you are perfect in his eyes. He is all powerful and to know that you are perfect and worthy to him, should be enough to overcome and heal all those confidence/self-esteem scars of the past. I hope that this has touched and maybe helped someone in any way because my heart does really go out to everyone when it comes to this. So i'll leave you guys with a song you can look up on youtube and listen to the lyrics: Tommy Walker - He Knows My Name.

Some lyrics i hope helps you guys is this the chorus of this song:
He knows my name,
He knows my every thought.
He sees each tear that falls,
He hears me when i call.

You are that important to God where he knows everything about you, every thought you have, every tear that falls from your eye, whenever you call he will always listen and answer you. So don't ever feel you aren't good enough in life, because God says you more than enough and he loves you. Thanks for reading.

-Paul Lem.