Thursday, October 29, 2009

Relationships And Honesty.

Relationships and honesty are probably one of the most important things in life, whether it being a relationship you have with God, family, friends, etc. In a relationship there should be honesty, and in honesty between you and a person usually there is a relationship in some sort. The most important relationship you can probably have is the relationship you with have God. Being a Christian does not just mean believing that Jesus died on the cross for your sin, but also having a relationship with Him. But relationships aren't always strong and happy all the time, there are also times of hardship and troubles. These past few weeks have been like that for me, where I've fallen into the worries and troubles of life, and forgotten to spend time with God. In this relationship, I am honest with Him, because i choose to be, but no matter what He knows everything in my life and what I go through. Everyone always feels saddened whenever they think about a past relationship with a good friend, boyfriend/girlfriend that they don't have anymore that meant a lot to them. Well that's exactly how my relationship with God is. Whenever there are these periods of time when I get sucked into the world, I forget about my Father and Savior and it does sadden me that I have been ignoring Him. If you're a Christian reading this, you should know exactly what I'm feeling. The relationship with God is how we should be doing what our other relationships in life such as family, friends, girlfriend/boyfriend..but that's not always how we are. We lie, use, put down, our worldly relationships with each other because that's just the way we were brought up. This society has put an image in our minds, of doing whatever it takes to succeed in life, even if that means using, lying, or cheating out a friend/family member. Usually, I would only blog about one certain topic, but I feel that these two really go hand in hand with each other. Honesty is something a relationship should always have, without it the relationship will never know the full meaning like a relationship we have with God. Of course I'm not saying we need to make every relationship we have in life the same as we have with God, because nobody's perfect and we all make mistakes. We all lie, cheat, steal, basically sin in life, but that doesn't mean we need to do that so unconsciously to our close ones and not care in the process. There is a quote i came upon one day, "Each time you are honest and conduct yourself with honesty, a success force will drive you toward greater success. Each time you lie, even with a little white lie, there are strong forces pushing you toward failure." We all know this quote to be true, that whenever we lie in a relationship, usually the relationship will end. On the other hand, if we are to be honest, then we are one step closer each time to perfecting a relationship with a close one. My relationship with God is not perfect, because there are times that I do lie to myself thinking that I am getting away with a certain thing when I forget that God knows everything. But the difference between my relationship with God and my relationship with family/friends is that God will always be honest with me, and never lie. So instead of a song, I'll leave you guys with those pretty long quote that I randomly came upon:

"Surrendering means, by definition, giving up attachment to results. When we surrender to God, we let go of our attachment to how things happen on the outside and we become more concerned with what happens on the inside.

When we love, we are automatically placing ourselves within an attitudinal and behavioral context that leads to an unfoldment of events at the highest level of good for everyone involved. We don't always know what that unfoldment would look like, but we don't need to. God will do his part if we do ours. Our only job in every situation is to merely let go our our resistance to love.

Relationships are assignments. They are part of a vast plan for our enlightment, the Holy Spirit's blueprint by which each individual soul is led to greater awareness and expanded love. He brings together people who have the maximal opportunity for mutual growth. No meetings are accidental.

In the holy relationship, it's understood that we all have unhealed places, and that healing is the purpose of our being with another person. We don't try to hide our weaknesses, but rather we understand that the relationship is a context for healing through mutual forgiveness. Adam and Eve were naked in the garden of Eden but not embarrassed. That doesn't mean they were physically naked. It means they were emotionally naked, totally real and honest, yet they were not embarrassed because they felt accepted completely for who they were."

I hope that this has helped some people that have been struggling with honesty in a relationship, or just the feeling of insecurity that the other person in the relationship isn't being honest with them. I can relate to this topic a lot so I wanted to write about it and the people who are feeling this know that they aren't alone in feeling that way. When my birth mother left me, even at such a young age, every relationship girlfriend/friend wise, I never really felt that complete honesty like how it is with God. I would push people away whenever I felt that I was getting in too deep, only for the sole fact that i didn't want them to leave me when I cared so much about them. For me, pushing them away was somewhat a test, to see if they actually cared enough for me to keep trying no matter what, and this is what I've have been going through because of what my birth mother did. I'm trying to fix that emotional scar I have, but it's a work in process and I know in time God will completely heal me from that hurt. So yeah thanks for reading.

-Paul Lem.