Tuesday, March 3, 2009

God v.s. the world.

If God asked you to give up all your material belongings, popularity/friends, and social status would you be able to do it instantly? If God asked me that question, i really can't say forsure that i would be able to give it all up. That is true for a lot of us, because we are too consumed by the worldly things and we get so caught up in trying to build a great life for us here on earth that we totally forget that once we die its all going to be a loss and the only things that are permanent are the treasures we store in Heaven. Of course God is not going to tell all his children to give up everything and isolate/have nothing to do with the world. But God did want us to be set apart from the worldly people, but i learned something good from both my old high school pastor Jundo and my new college pastor, Pastor Chris. Jundo said during his sermon that if someone were to go ask people at school that knew you, you're co-workers, or whoever it may be, what kind of person you are, how they would respond. The fact if they will be like "oh, he's a cool person to go drinking with, party with, go clubbing with, etc." or if they would say "he rocks the boat." You don't have to be those die-hard christians, but if you are called to be than be it. But just the fact that when people are around you, they can tell there is something that is different or stands out about you that lets them know you are a christian, not just by you saying you are. The way you act is a big way of how people will know that you have Jesus in your life, because you will live your life for him and his glory. I was talking to a friend today about God, and she said something that really stood out to me in the conversation. "I know that God doesn't just live in the church". This is true, God doesnt just live inside the church everyday. He is everywhere and always watching over his children. So wouldn't that make you think of how you are living out your week excluding the friday night bible studies and sunday worships knowing he is right beside you? He is our father, my father, and he loves us so much so to see us living our lifes to waste by just conforming to the world and not doing his will must hurt him a lot. I used to care so much about my image, how much people i knew, my social status. It's taking years and probably way more years to come, but i'm slowly starting to not care too much about the worldly ways and not conforming to its ways. I'm learning to humble myself more, so that i can be ready when God calls me to do something for his glory. So i'll leave you guys with a song and you can look it up on youtube: "Mercy Me - Spoken For and Hillsongs - Through It All and Mercy Me - Word Of God Speak". I decided to put 3 songs in this entry and i hope that you guys and girls enjoy them all. Listen to the lyrics and i hope you like them. Thanks for reading.

-Paul Lem.

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