Thursday, December 24, 2009

The True Meaning of Christmas.

How can someone be so caring and loving to willingly sacrifice their own child to save people they don't even know? I heard of this story, about a dad that had a choice between either saving his son, or letting a train full of people die. The son had been stuck on a bridge, and a train full of people were coming. The bridge was up so the father had a choice of lowering the bridge while crushing his son and killing him, or letting the train full of people die. He ended up lowering the bridge which killed his son, saving all the people on the train. He didn't know what type of people were in the train, all he knew was he had to make a choice and he made it. It turns out that the train was full of people that were drunk and just partying and they didn't even notice the little boy as they passed the bridge. This is just like God sending His only son to die on the cross for all our sins. Today is Christmas eve, tomorrow is Christmas; the day that Jesus Christ was born into this world. There are so many different interpretations and symbols for Christmas, but many times we forget the true reason of this "holiday". Of course, it's known as the season of giving and not receiving, but then as human beings we always fall into the worldly pleasures. We spend so much time shopping for presents, when in reality we forget that is not the true reason for Christmas. Christmas time should be the time where we reflect on how awesome God really is and how much He really loves us to send his only son to die on the cross for the sins we commit each and every day. We should take this time to realize that even though we neglect and disregard God many times in life, He still is faithful and never leaves us in good times or bad. There are so many times in life, that I forget how amazing and loving God really is to me. He is the only person in my life that I can truly depend on, that will never cease to fulfill my needs and just loves me for me. He looks past all my imperfections, and in His eyes alone I stand perfected. I know that all the struggles, hurt, pain, and trials I go through are because God is making me into a stronger person so if I were ever to face them again in the future I would know what to do. He's the only person that will always forgive me for my sins, never judging me by them. I tend to forget that He is the reason why I am living on this earth, and He has blessed me in so many ways and I'm thankful for that. I'm thankful for the fact that He sent his son to die on the cross for my sins, and I'm thankful that He will never leave me because that's all I've been used to in my life. So many people have just left out of my life under different circumstances right when I felt that I was getting closer to them or they were becoming a big part of my life, that I just expect it now. But I feel that is God telling me that I shouldn't be too dependent on people, but just be dependent on Him and Him alone. The lyrics "I'll never know how much it cost, to see my sins upon that cross", they play in my mind so much whenever I think about how unworthy I feel to be considered His son, but than he always reminds me that He loves me for who I am and that I am worthy enough. I hope that everyone takes this time to realize how awesome and loving God really is, and just know that He is always going to be there for you. I hope that everyone has a Merry Christmas and thanks for reading!

"So it's with everything I am, I reach out for your hand.
The hope for change, the second chance I've gained.
On You I throw my life, casting all my fears aside.
How could any love than this, ever possibly exist?
So I wait upon you now, with my hands released to you.
Where a little faiths enough, to see mountains lift and move.
Yeah I'll wait upon you now, dedicated to your will.
To this love that will remain, A love that never fails.."

-Paul Lem.

1 comment:

  1. Hey remember we watched this short clip at church? I remember! Miss you PAUL!
