Saturday, April 3, 2010


"Time does not change us, it just unfolds us."
-Max Frisch

The expression "time flies.." really is a true statement in itself. I believe everyone can agree that as we get older and age, everything in life seems to fly by. When we were young, we would always say, "I hate being so young, I can't wait until I'm older. Once I'm older, I'm going to do so many things in life and I can do whatever I want." But the true reality is, as we age and grow older, we always have feelings of nostalgia and miss our childhood when we never had half the worries we do as an adult. As you grow older, there are more responsibilities that you obtain. For example, in college, you aren't forced to wake up everyday to go to class as you were in high school by your parents, but now you are given the choice whether or not to go. As you grow older, you need to start thinking about getting a job and what you want to do in the future. As you grow older, you start worrying about how you will make it on your own and start having your own bills to pay. I believe that is a big reason why when we were young, we couldn't wait to become older because we knew once we are older, we will be able to make our own choices but we didn't know the responsibilities and stress that comes with that choice. The dictionary definition of choice is: the right, power, or opportunity to choose. As we get older, we are confronted with many decisions that will affect our lives and it all depends on the choice that we make in each situation. Throughout time, everything changes except for God. That's the funny thing about time. Time affects us in ways that we sometimes don't even realize. Throughout time, all of us will usually mature our mind in the way we think and perceive everything. Throughout time, people change. You lose friends that you were close with before, but end up making new friends also. Now everyone knows the reason for this, it's because people change mind, body, and soul throughout time. The new you might not have anything in common with the friends you used to have, so eventually throughout time you become more distant and find people that you have things in common and enjoy being with. But with all this, the true reason for why time changes everyone is because we make the decision to change ourselves throughout that time. What I'm trying to say is, that as we grow older in life, we start to become more busy and don't take the time to appreciate something as valuable as time. Time is one of those things that you can learn a lot from. A quote that goes perfect with this is, "Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it, you can never get it back." There's another quote that talks about how "you can always get more money, but you can never get more time." The quote that I gave at the beginning, about how time does not change but really just unfolds us is what I want to focus on. As time passes, we go through experiences in our lives that change our way of thinking. As time passes, we make decisions in certain situations that are our choices at the time, that mold us into the person we are today. As we age, people take time for granted and that's the point I'm trying to get across with this blog. We forget to appreciate the time God has given us to live on this earth, because we get so consumed by all the worldly worries. For me personally, there are so many things that I want to do and experience in my life. For example, I want to travel to many places, take singing/dancing/acting classes so I can go to Korea and chase after my dream of making it big, and also I want to get married and have children of my own that I can care for and love. When I think too much about it, I worry that I won't have enough time to do all the stuff I want, but what I realized is that the time I spent worrying about my future was time that I can never get back and wasted. Not worrying about your future is something that is very hard to do, but I feel God is telling me that as long as I do my best in everything I do, He will take care of the rest. So I'm going to leave you guys with a quote and a song, just ponder on the quote and listen to the lyrics of the song on youtube. Thanks for reading.

"Time is equal to life; therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and master your life."
-Alan Lakein

Song: Damien Fernandez - Forever.

-Paul Lem.

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