Thursday, June 18, 2009


Dictionary definition of Judgment: the ability to judge, make a decision, or form an opinion objectively, authoritatively, and wisely, esp. in matters affecting action.

Everyone judges people at one point in their lives. It may be a judgment made about a person from their past, present, or future. People may judge a certain person from their past. This is probably the one that I could relate to the most. Because of my past experiences and mistakes I may have made, people judge me from that even if they say they wont. There are always two scenarios with new people I meet when I tell them about my past: one is they judge me automatically and put up a wall and watch me carefully or just too scared to even talk to me anymore, and the other is they say they won't judge me but when they see me do something that will remind them of what I told them about my past they automatically say to themselves "oh I knew it, he's still like that". I've learned to deal with it because it has happened many times in my life, and it doesn't matter to me because I know I'm different now and that's all that matters. Judgment is something people always assume they don't do, but they do it unconsciously. Judging someone is just like making an assumption about a person. The type of judgment that happens in the present deals mainly with assumptions. People assume things about you by the way you act, the way you dress/talk, and the way you carry yourself. After that they will put you into a certain category, but isn't that the exact same thing as judging someone? For future judgments, this has to do with guessing. By the way you perceive and judge them as a person in the present, you guess and assume what kind of life they are going to live and what kind of person they will be in years to come. This is probably the least damage of judgment on a person unless said aloud to the person, because then it will just cause an argument to arise. But I'm not saying that it's okay to judge a person's future because judging someone is something we shouldn't be doing in the first place. In the bible, God says, "Do not judge, or you too shall be judged." Everyone judges, and that is why everyone keeps getting judged back. It's a cycle that does need to be broken, only if we are all willing to see past first impressions and actually take the time to get to know the person inside and out. This is a touchy topic for me, because like I've said, it's something that I go through all the time with my past. It's something that i wish didn't happen but just because I don't want people to judge me, doesn't mean they aren't going to. One day i came across this quote on the internet. The quote said, "If you judge people, you have no time to love them". This is so true, in the fact that the time we take to judge a person, could be the time to get to know such a loving and caring person. Also, if we judge a person by their past, we may just put up a wall and stop talking to that person when we could've had a good friend or lover. Judgment is still a constant struggle in all of us, but it's only a problem if we can't control it and we let it get the best of us. So I'll just leave you guys and girls not with a song but a prayer request really. My grandma has been in the hospital for the past three weeks with pneumonia. She has it in both lungs, and i was just wondering if you guys and girls could just pray for her. I'm sure she will get better, but it would be awesome if there were more prayers so God will heal her quicker. Thanks for reading.

-Paul Lem.


  1. Wow, that was definitely another good read. I could also relate to this topic.. really something that goes deep. I always hope people will open their hearts and minds to others. I'm glad not everyone out there is so close-minded and such.

    I'll add in to the prayers for your family. I hope all is well. See you around man. Take care~

  2. hey man like what marc had said in his comment, its good to see a person who has an open mind and open feelings, and more importantly someone who is not scared to throw it out there for the public to read and lay it all on the line and not care who reads it.

    i will also add a prayer for your grandma dude dont even worry

    i miss yah man
