Wednesday, July 8, 2009

You can never really prepare yourself for a Miracle.

There are many things in life that we can prepare ourselves for. We can prepare ourselves for a job interview, a date you may be going on later on that day, our future, etc. One thing we can never really prepare for is a miracle. A miracle is something that just happens. The dictionary definition of miracle is: an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause. God creates miracles in our lives, that show us that He is in control and that it is Him and Him alone that controls everything. A miracle is of course a good thing to us, something that makes our lives better in one way or another. I have seen many miracles in my life, including last summer when I went on my first mission trip to Dominican Republic. The miracle that happened there was just an eye-opening blessing to everyone. We came there to teach the kids about God, but we got taught in return with many valuable life lessons. It was a miracle to see how precious God was to them. Even though they had very little possessions, they still thanked God for all they had and kept their relationship with Him strong. The mission trip was a miracle in my eyes, because i saw how God works through all different kinds of people: shy, unprivileged, low self-esteem, beggars, etc. As long as the person was willing to be used for His glory, God used that person to show true love to another unbeliever. Dominican Republic 2008 was a miracle in the sense of how even though we came there expecting the worst, God blew our minds and surpasses our worst thoughts. He showed us how it feels to live outside of our little bubbles, and that was a eye-opener in the sense that we now can appreciate all that God has blessed us with and not take it for granted. The miracles were simply saving people through the mission trip like the Dominican people that came to know God and the missionaries that needed this mission trip to strengthen their relationship with Him. Miracles don't have to be something huge and physically able to see, but it can also be a miracle on the inside. The miracle i felt through that mission trip on the inside was a refreshing new way of thinking, and getting rid of the mind set that could have ruined my future. There is now 5 more days until I am going back to Dominican Republic for another mission trip. I thought that seeing how I had already been there once, I would know exactly what to prepare and expect, but there are only five more days until I leave and I don't know what I'm doing. All I can do is depend on God and just trust in Him and I know that everything is going to be fine. So I am very excited to see what miracle God will show me through this mission trip, because I know that God will be in the midst of our praise and fellowship. Now don't get me wrong, the mission trip is not something that you can just breeze through easily. It takes a toll on you physically, mentally, and spiritually. Many people always wonder why someone would be willing to go through all this hardship, but there is a saying, "Don't let go of something you can't go a day without thinking about." God is someone that I can't go a day without thinking about, because of the fact that He is my everything. Without Him, I'm nothing, but with Him, I can achieve everything. So I am willing to go through whatever I have to, to bring people to know this awesome Savior and Father that sent his only son to die for our sins on the cross. The hardships is nowhere compared to what Jesus Christ had to go through to allow us to live, so isn't that something that would make us want to do anything we can to bring people to know such an amazing person? I remember talking to a girl before and she asked me, "How do I know you're going to do all the things you say for me?" I simply replied, "If it's worth it, I will do anything to have it." Isn't that the mentality everyone has in life that if something is worth all the hardships and trials that we will be willing to go through that to have that thing in the end? Well God is way more then worth it, so I am willing to give my all to live for him. Thanks for reading.

-Paul Lem.

1 comment:

  1. Amen.

    Good luck &have fun on your mission trip.

    &don't worry about my user pic;
    it's just me Paul, hahaha.
