Sunday, August 23, 2009

Putting your Faith in God alone.

"That your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God."
- 1 Corinthians 2:5

God is the one and only person that you can full trust in life. He will be the person you can tell everything to, that will never lie or betray you, and the person that will love you no matter what sin you may commit in life. But isn't it funny how us as Christians, knowing this, still put our faith and trust in men at times? Even the people we call friends in life will at some point, betray, lie, or cheat us for their own personal gain. But still we put our trust in them because they are someone who we have known for some time and we feel they are worthy of it. God has been with us even before we existed, never leaving us once, or betraying us but still we rely on man many times with our worldly problems. I wanted to write this blog, because I really have been feeling this these past few weeks. I've been ignoring God, the person that is the most trustworthy and cares for me the most, for friends/girls/going out. I was recently at a revival on Thursday for my church, and it was so hard for me to come to God to tell him why I haven't been talking with him these past few weeks. The reason was because I was too busy with my worldly problems. My problems with trust, dependency, lies, and pleasure. These were consuming my life towards the point where I felt that I was alone and could not rely on anyone so I took some time to be with myself and just ponder on all the thoughts running through my mind. One thought in my mind is the fact that something I felt would benefit a person that I care about, is only making that person complain and feel burdened by it. In life there are going to be situations that will make you uncomfortable or you just need to put more effort into, but then again some people just need to learn that the hard way in life like I have. My worldly pleasures and everything I built up so far in this world, mean nothing to me if they take me away from God. Because I've been having so many conflicts/problems, it has been making me think more into incidents in the past and think differently about the reasons for them. Usually the end result would be me being more angry, and with that I start being more cautious. I'm ignoring the one person that has actually been the only person to stay by me through all my troubles, never leaving me for my worldly pleasures. This blog entry is a two reason thing for me. The first reason is I just really wanted to let out my thoughts, and the second reason is I want people to realize this. The verse I started this blog out with talks about how we shouldn't put our faith into men, but rather in God. A basic translation for this is, to just depend on God and trust him completely alone because He will never fail you like man will. People change, for better or worse, but God is constant and eternal. He will never leave you no matter what, through good times and bad, and He will always love you constantly. These past few weeks have just opened my eyes really to realize that more. The incidents that have happened were just a reminder to me that God is the person I can rely on with all my heart and soul. Another thing is, God will never give you something you can't handle. I remember always hearing this, how God will never give you something that you can't overcome, so when you reach those times in life where you feel there is too much going on at once and you can't deal with it all, just stop and remember that God would never give you too much to handle and that you can deal with it all with Him by your side. So yeah thanks for reading, and sorry I haven't blogged in a while. Like I said i had a lot on my mind ;P

-Paul Lem.

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