Saturday, May 1, 2010


"Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success."
-Dr. Joyce Brothers

Being afraid of failure or not being good enough has stopped us from doing certain things in life and I believe that this is something everyone goes through once in their life and can relate to. The quote I put at the beginning of the this blog entry is a perfect way for us to get over this insecurity/fear of failure. Success is really a state of mind, and it will start when we start thinking of ourselves as a success. The only way you can truly fail, is when you start doubting yourself and end up giving up. Now I'm not saying that just because you start thinking of yourself as a success that you will succeed in everything you try in life, but I can tell you that the "great" people that have made a mark in history only succeeded because they weren't willing to give up and they actually put in the effort to take that first step and try it out. Everyone knows Michael Jordan, and how he is known as probably the greatest basketball player ever to play the game of basketball, but his journey to greatness wasn't all success. One quote he said was, "I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed." People have this mindset that the historical people that we hear about never had to go through any hardships or trials to get there, that they achieved their dream because they had the "skills" to get their already. But what people tend to forget is that anyone can achieve any dream, as long as that person believes that truly and has God backing them up through the hardships it may take to get there. I love sports, especially basketball, so Michael Jordan is a person that I do look up to whenever I think about basketball. Another quote he said was, "I've never been afraid to fail." I feel that is a big thing that hinders many people from trying something new that they've never tried before. The reason people don't take that first step into trying something new is because they are afraid of failure, and that's normal for everyone in life because no one wants to fail. But we have to realize that we aren't going to succeed in everything in life, that God has given us gifts and talents, but that doesn't mean we have to only use those talents and gifts and not try new stuff out. God will give us whatever we want in this world, only if it is actually will benefit us more than hurt us. I believe that is a big reason why sometimes in life we fail at certain things, because God is trying to let us know that it's okay to fail and also that He feels that certain thing would only do us wrong more than good in our lives. The idea of being a success is something that I am struggling with right now in my life. Since I am at that time in my life where I should be deciding what I want to do with my life, there are many thoughts in my mind that are causing an internal battle within me. I do want to go after my dream of becoming a singer/actor in Korea, but I am scared that I will fail and not succeed in my dream. So because of my insecurity and thoughts of me failing, I haven't been putting in the effort that I should be taking singing/dancing/acting classes to better my chances and knowledge of my dream. The reason for this blog entry is, I know many people can relate with me in the sense that right now they want to try something out, but are afraid that they will end up just failing. But what I say is, it is better to have tried and failed, than not try and regret it for the rest of your life wondering what would have happened. I think that would be more of a weight for us to carry rather than failing. I wanted to write this blog entry, just to give people the strength and courage to actually take that first step into something new, and actually try it out and just have fun with it. So I'll leave you guys with two quotes and thanks for reading.

"I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying."
-Michael Jordan.

"To get something you never had, You need to do something you never did."

-Paul Lem.

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