Thursday, July 1, 2010

Dedication to Someone Special.

"God saw you getting tired
and a cure was not meant to be,
So he put his arms around you
and whispered "Come to Me".
With tearful eyes we watched you,
as we saw you pass away.
Although we loved you deeply,
we could not make you stay.
Your Golden Heart stopped beating,
hard working hands at rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us,
He only takes the best."

On a thursday night, June 24, 2010, God took away one of the most important person from my life. This person was my grandma. Her name was Kang, Hee Sue and she was born September 17, 1922 which means she was at the age of 87 when she died. For the past couple of years, she has been in many pain, having to deal with surgeries and not being able to walk because of an hip injury. Throughout these past few years, there have been multiple times where she was admitted to the hospital, but this time it was different. About two weeks ago she got admitted to the hospital and I just figured she would be back after a couple of days like how it used to be, but that wasn't the case this time. Instead when my family and I went to visit her at the hospital, I found out that we were going to put her into a elderly home that was right across from the hospital she was staying at. That alone made my heart uncomfortable, knowing the fact that my Grandma wasn't going to be at home everyday and I had to come see her at a different place. But that feeling was short-lived, because no later than a day after we admitted her to the elderly home, she was immediately admitted back into the hospital because she was having trouble breathing. It's funny how God is, because I actually went to San Diego with a couple of friends and happened to come back a day earlier than I planned on, only to receive that news from my brother when I reached home. So the day afterwards, I went to the hospital to visit her, and I see that she isn't even awake. She is connected to a machine that is helping her breathe, basically on life support. That sight was something that just made me feel weird inside, because out of all the times that she's been admitted to the hospital, not once was she in a situation where she wasn't awake to see my walk through the doors. Than on June 24, 2010, I spent almost the whole day at the hospital waiting in the waiting room, but than decided to leave for a couple of hours. When I came back towards night time around 7-8pm, I came into the hospital hoping that my Grandma's situation had gotten better than before, only to see my family members and parents from my church standing around her with tears in their eyes. The moment I saw this sight, my heart literally dropped. At first I didn't know what to think because I knew what had happened, but I didn't want to believe it. Than my eyes slowly crept up to where my Grandma was lying, and I see that the machine isn't connected to her anymore and that's when the tears came out. Than everyone started to pray for my grandma, but I was still in shock and disbelief. The only thought I had in my mind was, "Why God? Why would you take one of the most important person in my life away when I've been asking for years to only take her away when I'm ready?" I was so angry and confused with God. My mind felt so troubled because half of me was feeling sad with the sight of my Grandma lying there, and the other half was angry and furious that God had taken her from me. If you already don't know, my birth mother left me and my family when I was at the age of 1, and my dad didn't re-marry until I was at the age of 8. So through the ages of 1-8, my grandma was basically my "mom" in which she always took care of me like how a mother would. Even after my dad remarried, my grandma still took care of me. Basically she took care of me the whole 20 years that I have been on this earth, so she means a great deal to me. The next few days I was just dealing with an emotional roller coaster inside my heart. Dealing with all the funeral arrangements, I saw people come to pay their respects to my grandmother, and it just made me think about how I was towards her the past few years. Her whole life was based upon other people, she lived her whole life for her children, than afterwards to take care of her grandchildren. She was the person that taught me how to be the man that I am today. She was the person that took care of me all my life, never complaining about anything. She was the person that took care of me when I was feeling sick, and the person that always made me something to eat whenever I was hungry. She was so many things in my life, taking care of me my whole life, but I couldn't even take care of her well her last remaining years. I think that is the one thing that I regret most whenever I think about this situation. The fact that she sacrificed so much for me, raising me up, and in the end I couldn't even properly take care of her for the last remaining years she was on the earth. This is something that I have to live with for the rest of my life. It has taken me a long time, but I am finally starting to accept that this was God's will. It has taken some time, but I finally am starting to thank God for bringing such an beautiful (both inside and out), unselfish, and caring person in my life. It has taken some time, but I finally am realizing that now she can get all the rest she wants in Heaven, for the hardworking 87 years she had during her life here on earth. I only pray that God will treat her extra special than anyone else in Heaven, knowing what an impact my Grandma has had on my life. The poem that was posted at the beginning of this blog is a poem that I happened to come across and I feel fits perfectly in this situation. God truly did take the best this time, because that was what my Grandma was. I came across this one quote that really stuck out to me:

"In happy moments, Praise God.
In difficult moments, Seek God.
In quiet moments, Worship God.
In painful moments, Trust God.
In every moment, Thank God."

This is something that I'm going to try to remember whenever I come into that certain situation. In a happy moment, I'll praise God. In a difficult moment, I'll seek God and not anyone else. In a quiet moment, I'll worship God. In a painful moment, I'll trust God because I know He loves me and will never do anything to hurt me. And also in every moment, I will thank God for everything He has done in my life. I know that my Grandma is resting peacefully in Heaven, so I don't have to worry about her feeling any more pain because I know she will always be happy. Having this thought in my mind is really helping with the healing process of losing her on this earth. Having this thought in my mind is helping me finally accept the fact that I won't be able to see her physically everyday in my life, but that doesn't mean she won't be with me anymore. I know she will be watching over me and because of that, I know that I need to live my life to the fullest so I she can enjoy watching me do the things that I love. I love my grandma and even though I am very sad that she is no longer with me on this earth, I know that she will always be with me in my heart wherever this life takes me. So I will leave you guys with 2 songs and thanks for reading.

Hillsongs United - Still.
Hillsongs United - All I Need Is You.

-Paul Lem.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


"Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success."
-Dr. Joyce Brothers

Being afraid of failure or not being good enough has stopped us from doing certain things in life and I believe that this is something everyone goes through once in their life and can relate to. The quote I put at the beginning of the this blog entry is a perfect way for us to get over this insecurity/fear of failure. Success is really a state of mind, and it will start when we start thinking of ourselves as a success. The only way you can truly fail, is when you start doubting yourself and end up giving up. Now I'm not saying that just because you start thinking of yourself as a success that you will succeed in everything you try in life, but I can tell you that the "great" people that have made a mark in history only succeeded because they weren't willing to give up and they actually put in the effort to take that first step and try it out. Everyone knows Michael Jordan, and how he is known as probably the greatest basketball player ever to play the game of basketball, but his journey to greatness wasn't all success. One quote he said was, "I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed." People have this mindset that the historical people that we hear about never had to go through any hardships or trials to get there, that they achieved their dream because they had the "skills" to get their already. But what people tend to forget is that anyone can achieve any dream, as long as that person believes that truly and has God backing them up through the hardships it may take to get there. I love sports, especially basketball, so Michael Jordan is a person that I do look up to whenever I think about basketball. Another quote he said was, "I've never been afraid to fail." I feel that is a big thing that hinders many people from trying something new that they've never tried before. The reason people don't take that first step into trying something new is because they are afraid of failure, and that's normal for everyone in life because no one wants to fail. But we have to realize that we aren't going to succeed in everything in life, that God has given us gifts and talents, but that doesn't mean we have to only use those talents and gifts and not try new stuff out. God will give us whatever we want in this world, only if it is actually will benefit us more than hurt us. I believe that is a big reason why sometimes in life we fail at certain things, because God is trying to let us know that it's okay to fail and also that He feels that certain thing would only do us wrong more than good in our lives. The idea of being a success is something that I am struggling with right now in my life. Since I am at that time in my life where I should be deciding what I want to do with my life, there are many thoughts in my mind that are causing an internal battle within me. I do want to go after my dream of becoming a singer/actor in Korea, but I am scared that I will fail and not succeed in my dream. So because of my insecurity and thoughts of me failing, I haven't been putting in the effort that I should be taking singing/dancing/acting classes to better my chances and knowledge of my dream. The reason for this blog entry is, I know many people can relate with me in the sense that right now they want to try something out, but are afraid that they will end up just failing. But what I say is, it is better to have tried and failed, than not try and regret it for the rest of your life wondering what would have happened. I think that would be more of a weight for us to carry rather than failing. I wanted to write this blog entry, just to give people the strength and courage to actually take that first step into something new, and actually try it out and just have fun with it. So I'll leave you guys with two quotes and thanks for reading.

"I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying."
-Michael Jordan.

"To get something you never had, You need to do something you never did."

-Paul Lem.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Growing Up.

"Growing old is mandatory; but growing up is optional."

From the ages of 13-19, we are considered teenagers. Our teenage years are probably one of the most memorable times we will have in life. I just turned 20 years old two days ago, but obviously like I've said before that age is but a number. Even though just a few days ago I was still considered a teenager to the world, my mind set told me otherwise. Because of all the experiences and situations I went through in my past, it has helped me to mature my mind and ultimately myself as a person. The quote I put at the beginning of the blog entry is what I what to focus on. Just as the quote says, growing old is mandatory for everyone in life, but growing up is optional and ultimately a choice that we have to make in the end. I know people that are considered mature for their age, and vice versa, people that are considered immature for their age. Everyone is different, in how we decide to live our lives and in when we choose to grow up as a person. People go through different situations and experiences in life that may speed up or slow down the process of growing up as a person. When I say that, I don't mean that it will physically stop a person from aging or make a person age faster, but when I say that I mean mentally. These past few weeks, I have been thinking a lot. The things I think about ranges in subjects, but one of the subjects that was on my mind a lot those past weeks was the topic of "growing up". I was talking to my friend while eating one of these past Sundays, and we got on the topic of life in general. But one of the things that really stuck out to me was that even though we are such good friends now and have many things in common that we enjoy, we went through different things growing up and that's what made us into the type of people we are now. He told me of how his parents always had a set plan for him growing up, so now since he's in college he gets feelings of insecurity now that he has to make his own plans and decisions. For me it was the total opposite. I had to grow up doing things for myself so that I can get to where I am now, in the sense that my dad was always out of the house because when we first moved here he had to work multiple jobs and my birth mother left me at the age of 1. So all I had growing up was my grandmother and older brother at home throughout the day, and so I never had parents telling me to do this and that throughout the day. I never went to any tutor places, or took any musical instrument lessons. So it was difficult for me to try to relate with him on that topic, because I didn't know how it felt having my parents planning out everything for me. But than since I know how to plan and make decisions on my own, since I had to start early in life, I was able to give him advice on how he could maybe start getting over this insecurity and live his life making decisions on his own. God really does work in mysterious ways. People go through different things in life, but everything that we go through is something that we could handle or endure, or else God wouldn't have allowed it in our lives to start with. People are put into situations that really test their faith and strength in themselves and God. A big reason I believe that people are so afraid to grow up, is that as we grow up, we are given many more responsibilities and basically in charge of our own lives in whether we will succeed or fail in life. That is a scary thought, but is there really anything in life that we can achieve without taking the initiative first to begin it? Only when we take that risk of either succeeding or failing in a certain thing in our life, will we be able to truly be satisfied with ourselves at the end no matter what the result may be. You don't want to go your whole life wondering "what if" so I say that whatever you want in life, go for it. There is a quote I came across that says: “The hardest part about growing up is letting go with what you have been accustomed to and moving on with something that you haven't experienced yet.” Many people are so comfortable with the lifestyle that they live in high school, that once they reach college it's hard at times to "grow up". I know many people in my life that are like this, but it's only once we finally realize that the kind of lifestyle we were so consumed in, is really a lifestyle that if we were to continue it throughout our lives will only bring us hardships and failure. Obviously I'm talking about the whole party scene, and just chasing after the opposite sex, trying to meet as many people possible so you are well known, etc. When I thought back on how I acted during high school, I noticed how big of a difference my life is now. Talking with my friend, we were reminiscing about the days when we were in high school, and even though it seemed like only a few years ago, to us it felt like a lifetime ago. There was a sense of nostalgia in our conversation, but I feel we both realized how pointless it all was. How pointless it was trying to be so popular when now we really don't talk to more than half of the people we met during high school, and so on. This is the true meaning of growing up for people our age. When you finally realize that you are not the same person you were when you were out doing stuff that you thought was cool and in at the time. When you finally realize that you have matured through your experiences in your past, and you actually use it to learn from your mistakes instead of someone who hasn't grown up yet and still lingers on their mistakes and lives in it. Don't get me wrong, nobody's perfect. We all make mistakes, but it's the people that are matured and grown up in life that take their mistakes and try their best to learn from it, instead of just not caring and living on and making the same mistake over and over. But growing up is something that takes time. You can't "grow up" over night and expect to be a different person the next day. So I'll leave you guys with this quote : "Growing up is a process, not an event." Thanks for reading.

-Paul Lem.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


"Time does not change us, it just unfolds us."
-Max Frisch

The expression "time flies.." really is a true statement in itself. I believe everyone can agree that as we get older and age, everything in life seems to fly by. When we were young, we would always say, "I hate being so young, I can't wait until I'm older. Once I'm older, I'm going to do so many things in life and I can do whatever I want." But the true reality is, as we age and grow older, we always have feelings of nostalgia and miss our childhood when we never had half the worries we do as an adult. As you grow older, there are more responsibilities that you obtain. For example, in college, you aren't forced to wake up everyday to go to class as you were in high school by your parents, but now you are given the choice whether or not to go. As you grow older, you need to start thinking about getting a job and what you want to do in the future. As you grow older, you start worrying about how you will make it on your own and start having your own bills to pay. I believe that is a big reason why when we were young, we couldn't wait to become older because we knew once we are older, we will be able to make our own choices but we didn't know the responsibilities and stress that comes with that choice. The dictionary definition of choice is: the right, power, or opportunity to choose. As we get older, we are confronted with many decisions that will affect our lives and it all depends on the choice that we make in each situation. Throughout time, everything changes except for God. That's the funny thing about time. Time affects us in ways that we sometimes don't even realize. Throughout time, all of us will usually mature our mind in the way we think and perceive everything. Throughout time, people change. You lose friends that you were close with before, but end up making new friends also. Now everyone knows the reason for this, it's because people change mind, body, and soul throughout time. The new you might not have anything in common with the friends you used to have, so eventually throughout time you become more distant and find people that you have things in common and enjoy being with. But with all this, the true reason for why time changes everyone is because we make the decision to change ourselves throughout that time. What I'm trying to say is, that as we grow older in life, we start to become more busy and don't take the time to appreciate something as valuable as time. Time is one of those things that you can learn a lot from. A quote that goes perfect with this is, "Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it, you can never get it back." There's another quote that talks about how "you can always get more money, but you can never get more time." The quote that I gave at the beginning, about how time does not change but really just unfolds us is what I want to focus on. As time passes, we go through experiences in our lives that change our way of thinking. As time passes, we make decisions in certain situations that are our choices at the time, that mold us into the person we are today. As we age, people take time for granted and that's the point I'm trying to get across with this blog. We forget to appreciate the time God has given us to live on this earth, because we get so consumed by all the worldly worries. For me personally, there are so many things that I want to do and experience in my life. For example, I want to travel to many places, take singing/dancing/acting classes so I can go to Korea and chase after my dream of making it big, and also I want to get married and have children of my own that I can care for and love. When I think too much about it, I worry that I won't have enough time to do all the stuff I want, but what I realized is that the time I spent worrying about my future was time that I can never get back and wasted. Not worrying about your future is something that is very hard to do, but I feel God is telling me that as long as I do my best in everything I do, He will take care of the rest. So I'm going to leave you guys with a quote and a song, just ponder on the quote and listen to the lyrics of the song on youtube. Thanks for reading.

"Time is equal to life; therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and master your life."
-Alan Lakein

Song: Damien Fernandez - Forever.

-Paul Lem.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

God is Love.

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

Everyone has their own perspectives on love. The dictionary definition of love is: a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. Love is an emotion, love is a feeling, love is many different things. But true love is different from what we call "love". In my psychology class I remember my professor telling me the average person is "in love" with their significant other for two years, and than after that it's all about commitment and how long they are willing to make it work. The love we see on television, in movies, and in our lives around people always make us want that in our own lives. Society depicts this image to us of what love is, showing it through media and other forms of advertising. But the thing that society is forgetting is, that without God in the relationship, there will never be true love. God is the only one that can teach us about true love. The relationship we have with Him as Christians, he shows us true love by showing patience, being kind, not being easily angered by our sins and neglect towards Him, etc. When we get into a relationship with someone, we should always base it on a relationship with God as the center of our attentions to know and learn true love for each other. Of course it's easier said than done, right? For me personally, I can't recall a time in the past when I was dating a girl and God was the center of the relationship. We were always in the "honeymoon phase" and wanting to see and talk to each other as much as we can, and when we couldn't see each other we would think about that person as much as we can. This was a big reason why most of my relationships did not work out, because of the simple fact that the girl was taking me away from God instead of strengthening my relationship with Him. Now I am looking for a girl that will not only accept me for who I am, all my faults and imperfections in life, but also bring me closer to God. I recently just saw "Valentines Day" with a few friends. In that movie the part I liked best was when the grandma said "When you truly love someone, you have to love everything about them. All their faults, all their imperfections, and not only the good things." That really stuck out to me, because how many times in life do we look for the easy way out when we find out something we don't like about our significant other? We totally forget all the reasons why you love her and you only look at that imperfection that you find out. Now I'm not saying this happens all the time, but I know it's happened to me a couple of times in the past. When I would find out something that I didn't really like about the girl I was dating, I would start examining more and more on what else I didn't like and than I would usually just end it somehow. Of course I know now how stupid I was, because I'm not perfect and she was willing to see past my imperfections and be with me, but back than I had a different mindset. There is this quote: "Love isn't about finding the perfect person, but seeing an imperfect person perfectly." That quote is true in so many ways. Many people have this mindset of what their perfect girl/guy is in their mind, but what they tend to forget is that love is not about finding that "perfect one". Love is when you see past a person's imperfections and you love them for who they are, flaws and all. So to fix this, we really need to take that image of what we think the perfect person is for us, and just have an open mind with every person we meet. No relationship is the same, it all depends on the two people in that relationship. So when we are in a relationship and start to compare it to a relationship we had before and wonder why it's not the same when you were so "in love" in the other relationship, that can ruin something great with the person you have now if you keep that mindset. For these past few months, I feel that God is really trying to teach me to depend on Him and Him alone, and stop depending on girls like how I used to in the past. Every time I would end with one girl, right after or a few weeks later another girl would come into my life and I never really rejected it because to be honest it felt good to have that comfort and know someone cares about you. But I forgot about the person that cares for me the most in this world, the person that is the only one that can truly love me, and that person is God. So now I'm just setting my sights on him and making my relationship stronger and learning things that I will need to know when I meet the next girl I will be in a relationship with. God is not only love, but He is true love and where we learn it from. Thanks for reading.

-Paul Lem.

Friday, January 1, 2010


"The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul.."
G. K. Chesterton

Every January 1st, we think of it as a new beginning and fresh start, but than we forget that it's just another day. Sure it's the start to a new year, but that does not mean that everything we did in the year before us will not affect us in the new year. We say it's a new beginning, but in reality it's not the beginning as December 31st is not the end of something. But don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it's not important for us to have New Years celebration. I feel God gave us this holiday so that we may take time to reflect and ponder upon all the events and experiences we went through the year before and how we can improve ourselves for the next year. We think back to all the mistakes we made, and that gives us a chance to know what not to do for this year. We think back to all the friends and people we met, and that gives us the chance to really appreciate them. We think back on our family and whatever we may have gone through together the past year, and that gives us the chance to see how much we really took them for granted when some don't even have a family in their lives. We think back on many things, but it can be said that we always think of God (for those who are religious), and that gives us a chance to see how much He has really blessed us throughout the past year and how loving and great He really is. All the happiness, pain, anger, depression, and love moments we had throughout the past year, God was always there with us and never left. He was there when we were at our highest point of happiness and also there when we were in our lowest point of depression/pain. In the beginning of this blog, I showed a quote that said as a new year comes that we don't think of it as a new year/fresh start, but that we think of it as a way for us to have a new soul/better ourselves in God. There were many times throughout the past year that I've neglected God and felt that He wasn't with me, but as I take the time to think back, I realized that whenever I was in times of pain/depression I turned to everyone but Him and that's why I felt He wasn't with me. But God is gracious and patient, so He always gives us an opportunity like New Years to take time and reflect on our past. I know that God has blessed all of us for this new year that is coming up, and that by taking this time to reflect and think back on how we have been living this past year, it will only make us more mature with our relationship with God. For me personally, there were many things I have learned throughout the past year. I learned to depend on God in my times of need instead of depending on man (even though it's still a work in progress), I learned to appreciate my family and friends more and to know how grateful I am to have them in my life, I learned to appreciate the small things in life, the things that not many people notice anymore because society has become so fast pace, and I learned what kind of wife I want to marry. I remember when I was in junior high, people would always tell me that I should pray right now for what type of wife or what I want my wife to be like to God, but than I never really cared about it. I probably did not care too much about it because I have so much anger/pain towards that certain subject, after my birth mom leaving me and my family. I grew up thinking that was just exactly what was going to happen to me as well; that I would find a woman to marry, and everything would be going great, than out of nowhere she would just be gone. So I never took the time to pray about my wife, seeing how I had so much anger inside of me. I'm not saying that I am fully healed from that emotional scar, because I'm not, but I now know that this was the reason for my past woman in my life. It's funny because I think a lot, usually every night while I'm lying in bed trying to sleep, I just think about life. So January 1st really happens every night for me. I realized that this whole time, I was getting into relationships based on what I thought I wanted, not what God knew I needed. So I am trying to just trust God and follow where ever He leads me, in all aspects in my life. So what I'm trying to say through this is, you don't have to do everything on your own, God is here to help and lead you on the right path only if you are willing to accept His help and guidance. I hope that everyone is blessed much more this year than they were the past year, and that your relationship with God becomes more stronger and on a deeper level. Thanks for reading.

-Paul Lem.