Monday, January 26, 2009


I need to learn to be patient. I let my emotions get the best of me and react depending on them and i know it's a really bad habit. It sucks because usually i would say something or do something that i really dont want to say or do, but i can't even apologize for it because the damage is already done. It's hard living life like this because something in my mind will just trigger from a bad memory... and based on that if i come into a similar situation than i react based on all my emotions and basically end it before there is that chance to start it. I'm trying real hard to get through this, and i know its totally unfair to you for dealing with all this. All i can say is im far from perfect and i just try my hardest and now its all in God's hands for our future and if he even wants a future to happen. If you guys and girls dont already know this about me, i usually like listening to songs that depends on my mood at the time, i mean i listen to a little bit of everything, but when i'm feeling a certain emotion i'll lean more towards that so i guess i'll leave you guys with this song: Gio - Every Breath and David Archuleta - Crush. Thanks for reading.

-Paul Lem.

1 comment:

  1. keep your head up homie...if anything you know my number..
