Saturday, January 31, 2009

"Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have."

Dang i randomly came upon this quote, and it just stuck out to me so i decided to write about it. I can't say that i fully understand this because it can be interpreted by everyone differently. For me, i think this quote is talking about how you need to take that image of how someone is supposed to act, care, and say towards you if they love you. If you just have a set of expectations for someone so that you feel loved only when they reach those expectations than you will never experience it. Because we all know nobody is perfect, but God himself. So i feel that this quote is trying to explain that we gained these expectations from past experiences, movies/tv shows, and just how society protrays love. But if you really think about it, love is different between all people. It depends on the two people in that relationship so there can be no set way to love someone because everyone loves differently or at least shows/expresses it differently. You just got to trust God that he will bring someone into your life that will love you how you God knows you are supposed to be loved, but until than we need to learn to forget all these expectations we set on our future relationships because if we keep them, than we will never be satisfied with it. I'll leave you all with this quote also: "In Relationships, thank God when you're hurting or crying. There you are given the chance to measure the importance of the relationship of the person and of yourself...then you grow." So yeah just something for you guys to think about, and thanks for reading.

-Paul Lem.

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