Sunday, February 1, 2009

I am who I am.

In life, not everyone is going to like you. There is always going to be that select few that may dislike you because of a certain thing. I believe that society has just been teaching us that to be important or valued in this life you need to be successful. The thing is, everyone is different but still made in God's image. Don't feel you aren't good enough because a couple of people might say you aren't because that's just their opinion. You can't live your life based on what other people think of you because than you will never be happy with yourself because not everyone is going to like you physical appearance or personality. So how you view yourself is what you always need to remind yourself when someone may put you down saying things such as: "You're not good looking", "You're not smart enough", "You're boring and just not fun to be around", etc. These are just a few examples that people may say that may bring you down but don't let it. Luckily, i haven't dealed with these sayings in my life yet but im sure in some point in my life it will occur eventually. But the voice inside of you that says everything about you and what you have is the real you. God gives you that conscience that he made you perfect in his eyes, so remember that. I remember there was this one girl in high school that whenever i saw her and say "hey", she would always reply back "you're ugly paul." haha so i mean of course that got me down but later on when we graduated i found out that it was just her joking around and that she just felt i needed someone to remind me that not everyone that i meet in life will think im good looking. So it was a lesson that i needed to learn and i'm glad she taught me because i know so much about myself and who i am, that i just need to remind myself of this whenever i feel the need to prove myself to anyone. So yeah thanks for reading and until next time.

-Paul Lem.

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