Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Do Over.

If you had a button that will just take you back in time so you can erase a mistake you regret in life and change it, wouldn't that be awesome? haha but too bad there isn't anything like that in the world...lol but i think if it's really meant to be, than there will always be more chances for you. But if you arent allowed that second chance than i guess that means you got to face the fact that it's not supposed to be. The way i view it is that even if i'm not given another chance, i still for some weird reason will lie to myself saying there's still hope. Basically i'm "hoping for the best, but expecting the worst" type of situation really. I'll just straight out admit it right now, i don't know what to do in this situation. I've been in it too many times to recall in the past but i still don't know what to do. So now i'm just going to turn to God and see if it's a for real thing, or if it's not because i tried my best and now its up to God really. So yeah just now that i guess i'm still confused even if i won't admit it at times, because this is js how i've grown up. I can hide my feelings well enough to make it seem like i dont care about that person anymore at all but of course on the inside its a totally different story and a lot of people have this ability. So yeah just wanted to get that off my chest and ill leave this song so u guys and girls can look it up and listen to the lyrics: Lee Carr - Do Over. So yeah, thanks for reading.

-Paul Lem.

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