Sunday, February 15, 2009


Today in church, guest speaker Pastor Chris gave a sermon about humility. About how Moses was used not when he was in his prime age, but when he became humble at the age of 80 leading about 2 million people. That's just incredible to know that God can use anyone no matter how old you are, how big/tall you are, or how much abilities you may have. It's hard because my whole life i did grow up with a competitive strive in basically everything i did. I try my hardest to be humble and learn humility because i know that God will only bless me and use me with a certain ability if i can humble myself and not take the glory away from him. So it is still a work in progress for me, but i am slowly learning to be more patient and humble. God gives everyone different abilities, and no one has all abilities that was on earth except Jesus. So as our relationship with God grows stronger, we will learn all the abilities that he has given us and start putting them to use for his glory. And today i went early to church so i could catch up and talk with Jundo and finally got it set that i am going back to Dominican Republic this summer for missions. It's a good feeling because i was wanting to go back for so long, and now i finally get to. So these next few months are all fundraisers, planning stuff, and just getting my spiritual walk ready for all the new things God is going to teach me through this mission trip. So i'll leave you guys and girls with this song and you can look it up on youtube: Avalon - Everything To Me. Thanks for reading.

-Paul Lem.

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