Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Think too much.

Haha i have this problem of over thinking a situation way too much than necessary. It has caused many people in my life pain and i want to apologize for it. It's just how i've grown up in life always thinking of the worst possibilities of a situation and it is a bad habit that i do need to get rid of. But yeah forsure i'm not perfect. Far from it is a good way to describe it, but the only people that actually deserve your time is the people that prove they want to be in your life. Of course this isn't going to mean that i'm not going to ignore everyone who doesnt prove this, because i have to prove it to others also you know? It's just depending on a certain situation i guess like a girlfriend/boyfriend, a spouse, or a significant other if you will. The only way a relationship will work is if you have trust, love, and faith. You are trusting that your partner will be faithful to you and won't do anything to hurt you. You have love for each other because you care so much about the other person and love them more for their faults. You have two types of faith: the first type is being faithful to your partner and the other is having faith in each other completely. Of course you are going to have God's favor but these are the three things that are probably very important in a relationship. There are more important things, but i felt talking about these 3 in particular. So i'll leave you with this quote: "Be who you are, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." Thanks for reading.

-Paul Lem.

1 comment:

  1. word...i trip out way too much sometimes too.
    its all good though, stay up!
