Thursday, February 12, 2009

Jesus, take the wheel.

In life, we always do what we need to, to get to where we want to go. We do the best we can in school, study hard, so we can get into a certain college of our choice so it will benefit us with our future job. We say that we trust God and that we will follow his plan, but when his plan is something different than what we want, we take the wheel and drive the direction we want to. Of course i'm like this at times too, but i try really hard now to just sit in the passenger seat and let Jesus take the wheel and guide me the way He wants me to go in life. I'm not saying we don't have a choice in what we want to do in life, because God gives us choices and it's what we choice that decide what kind of person we become in the future. Looking back in life, when i knew God wanted me to do a certain thing, but i wanted to do something else, it was a really hard journey. For example, i remember my pastor telling me that i shouldn't go out with this one girl, but i guess i wanted to go out with her. So i just totally disregarded what my pastor told me and still went out with her, oh boy was that a big mistake haha. There was just struggle after struggle, arguement after arguement, and honestly i knew it was because it just wasn't really supposed to even happen. I mean i can't say that it's a hard journey all the time because for some people it might be a different story, but for me it's that way most of the time. So i'll leave you guys and girls with two songs you can look up on youtube: Carrie Underwood - Jesus, Take the wheel and also Proto J - Closer To You. Thanks for reading.

-Paul Lem.

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